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Teaching in virtual spaces
Ready, Scientist One

in 2021 our colleague Ulrich Krauß was successful with his proposal 'Social presence in digital teaching: integrating collaborative virtual reality into distance teaching' [[Link: https://www.elearning.hhu.de/en/projektfoerderung/fellowship-fuer-innovationen-in-der-digitalen-hochschullehre]]. We are now benefiting from this in the Enzyme Technology II course module, as we have been designated as beta testers of the virtual reality goggles that have been purchased. In the course, we can use the tool in seminars where we explore the structure of proteins with the students. The enzyme structures can be literally grasped here. One moment the enzyme is so big that it fits in your hand and you get a great overview, and the next moment it's as big as a house and is in the active center with a zinc ion the size of a football. There are certainly teething problems here and there in its use, but the educational use of this tool can move us forward.

Thanks Uli for your support and thanks also to our biochemistry students as beta testers.

Kategorie/n: BOC, SecMetEnz
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