Dr. Thomas Classen
Gruppenleiter Sekundärmetabolismus-Enzymologie
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Gebäude: 15.13
Etage/Raum: 4004
Research interest: Secondary Metabolism | Dirigent Proteins | Halogenating Enzymes | Alkaloids | Biocatalysis (in flow)
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AufgabenfelderTeam leader ‘Secondary Metabolism Enzymology’ & Group Leader ‘Enzymology’
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Stages | |
since 2023 | External lecturer Technical Biocatalysis Management Center Innsbruck (AUT) |
since 2016 | Lecturer Chemistry for Physicians Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf |
since 2015 | Junior group leader Secondary Metabolism Enzymology Institute of Bio- and Geosciences: Biotechnology Forschungszentrum Jülich |
since 2014 | Group leader Enzymology Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Heinrich Heine University |
July 2013 | Doctoral defence »Über Enzyme als facettenreiche Katalysatoren in der Organischen Chemie« |
| Doctoral studies Scholarship of the NRW Research School BioStruct |
2009 | Master thesis at the group of Prof. Dr. Pietruszka Institute for Bioorganic Chemistry »Pyruvate dependent Aldolases – Development of a Screening« |
2007 | Master studies in biochemistry at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf |
2007 | Bachelor thesis at the group of Prof. Dr Groth Institute for Biochemical Plant Physiology |
2004 | Bachelor studies in biochemistry at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf |
2003 | Abitur |
An overview on the publications with Thomas Classen as author can be found in these repositories.
↗ORCID | ↗ResearcherID | ↗ResearchGate | ↗GoogleScholar
MitgliedschaftenSpeaker of the DECHEMA Zukunftsforum and Steering Commitee of the DECHEMA