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Dr. Thomas Classen
Gruppenleiter Sekundärmetabolismus-Enzymologie
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Gebäude: 15.13
Etage/Raum: 4004

Research interest: Secondary Metabolism | Dirigent Proteins | Halogenating Enzymes | Alkaloids | Biocatalysis (in flow)

Homepage of the RG Secondary Metabolism Enzymology

Teaching Portfolio & Teaching Awards

ORCID | ↗ResearcherID |ResearchGate | ↗GoogleScholar


Team leader ‘Secondary Metabolism Enzymology’ & Group Leader ‘Enzymology



Curriculum Vitae

Academic Stages

since 2023External lecturer Technical Biocatalysis
Management Center Innsbruck (AUT)
since 2016Lecturer Chemistry for Physicians
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
since 2015Junior group leader Secondary Metabolism Enzymology
Institute of Bio- and Geosciences: Biotechnology
Forschungszentrum Jülich
since 2014Group leader Enzymology
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Heinrich Heine University
July 2013Doctoral defence
»Über Enzyme als facettenreiche Katalysatoren in der Organischen Chemie«



Doctoral studies
Scholarship of the NRW Research School BioStruct
2009Master thesis at the group of Prof. Dr. Pietruszka
Institute for Bioorganic Chemistry
»Pyruvate dependent Aldolases – Development of a Screening«
2007Master studies in biochemistry at the
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
2007Bachelor thesis at the group of Prof. Dr Groth
Institute for Biochemical Plant Physiology
2004Bachelor studies in biochemistry at the
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf




An overview on the publications with Thomas Classen as author can be found in these repositories.

ORCID | ↗ResearcherID |ResearchGate | ↗GoogleScholar


Speaker of the DECHEMA Zukunftsforum and Steering Commitee of the DECHEMA